Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Promo tidak berbayar (Hiks) : TESL KPTMKL

Hai awaa, dah dapat result SPM? Ok eh? Agak-agak nk smbung amende lepaih ni? Engineering? Medic? Accounting? If TESL's your choice then you're at the right webpage. 

Oh, and btw, ni dia the common misconceptions about TESL;
1- "Ohh, amik TESL? Nk jadi cikgu la ni?"
2- "TESL? Ishh, senang je wei"
3- "TESL ni kos untuk orang yang betul-betul power English je ni"
4- "Ramai sangat ambik TESL ni, peluang kerja NK JADI CIKGU susah la wei (Course mainstream sangat)"

So ni dia jawapan;
1- Range future prospect untuk tesl ni sensangat lah luas from being a teacher (duhh) to publishing, journalist, public relations, marketing, advertising and bla bla bla (bnyk lagi lahh). 
2- Ni ayat penyata paling offensive you will ever give to a teslian because you didn't really know the real struggle of being a tesl student and guess what? Takde mende yang senang dalam bumi ni kecuali hang ada semangat dngan rajin buat koje. But hey, I'm not saying that tesl is a hard task to do sebab lagi skali, kalau rajin dengan azam menggunung berapi, it'll be easier for you to ace in tesl. 
3- Ya, you will be 'playing' around with English all the time but hey, other than that, you'll be (mostly) exposed to the real way of teaching students English dan korang jgak akan bnyk 'bermain' dengan the study of psychology. Sooooooo, tak semestinya yang betul-betul pawer English je bleh amik tesl. TETAPI : Well of course, you must at least have the English basics before taking this course. 
4- Do I really need to explain this? Again, the future prospects of a teslian ni sangatlah luas, bukan setakat cikgu je hang boleh jadi.

I'll be explaining just the few things about *tesl here since I'm just halfway through the first semester. Heee. 

Sooooooo, here's the list of few things.
1- This is a homegrown program by KPTMKL consisting 6 semesters (3 years) of education.
2- **Credit hours? 93 hours.
3- Entry requirement? Pass the SPM with minimum of 3 credits dalam mana-mana subject and that includes BM & of course, ENGLISH. 
4- What courses will you be taking?
Tapi kannnnnn, that's not the real one since kptm dh tukar sikit. Tapi you'll be seeing this table everywhere from other blog posts and even the official kptm website. Here's the updated punya.

1- Listening and Speaking development 1
2- English Grammar 1
3- Reading and Writing development 1
4- Pengajian Malaysia (History la senang crite)
5- Concepts and Application of Information Technology (IT la senang crite)


1- Listening and Speaking development 2
2- Reading and Writing Development 2
3- English Grammar 2
4- Principles and Practices in Language Teaching
5- Pengajian Islam/Etika dan Moral 
6- Sports Science
7- Beginner French/Bahasa Arab Asas (Optional)

1- Intro to Sociolinguistics 
2- Critical Reading
3- Teaching English Grammar 
4- Introduction to Literature 
5- Human Communication
6- Elementary French/Bahasa Arab Lanjutan

1- The Teaching of Reading and Writing Skills 
2- The Teaching of Listening and Speaking Skills
3- Material Selection and Adaptation 
4- Drama Production
5- Introduction to Sociology 
6- Entrepreneurship 

1- Language Tests in School
2- Curriculum and Instructions
3- Language Programme Planning and Development
4- Psychology in Education
5- Khidmat Masyarakat/Pengurusan Masjid



So there are just few changes on the courses and one of the reason I heard from the lecturers is that student selalu dah lupa pasal apa yang diorang study time sem1 macam Psychology in Education tu, so diorang pindahkan subjek tu ke sem5 sblom student pegi practicum dekat skolah rendah dalam area KL ni. 


"Ye la kan? Takde tempat lain ke? Bnyak lagi weh, UiTM? Unisel? MSU?".

First thing's first, aku pun tak tau pasaipa aku decided buat diploma sini but here's the few things yang menarik perhatian aku;
1- KPTM ni IPTS under MARA. Sooooo mana-mana berkelayakan, boleh mintak MARA punya loan. Apa kelebihan pinjaman MARA berbanding pinjaman lain macam PTPTN? GOOGLE GUYS! GOOGLLLLLEEE IT!
2- Mana-mana student yang score CGPA of 3.75 and above akan dapat chance untuk ***fly oversea! Under MARA lagi naaaaa.

So there you go, few things yang aku bleh kongsi pasal tesl. Any questions? Hit me up at ;
Twitter - @MidRezz
Email - alifnik@live.com

*Note that semua penerangan ni untuk DIPLOMA in tesl dkat kptm, as other program macam foundation in tesl dkat UiTM ni sangat berlainan dari segi subjek, sistem dan tempoh masa study.
**Lagi tinggi credit hour, lagi penting subjek tu. Credit hour ni dipakai untuk kira pointer hang. 
***MARA akan kasi satu list of university yang korang sendiri akan pilih untuk pegi, tapi usaha tu kena lebih sikit la, sebab 3.75 of CGPA takkan datang dengan cuma goyangan kaki. Hiks